About us

$250 for a 2 minute voicemail from our fancy law firm? That got us thinking...

The process of hiring a vendor or service provider is broken.

How many times have startups hired an exorbitantly priced law firm when a smaller, specialized firm could’ve done the job better?

How often has a fast-growing company needed to switch to a new tool (and move huge amounts of data) because the old one couldn’t match their scale?

How many times have you wished you could talk to other companies who have experience with a specific vendor or tool, one-on-one?

I started my journey in Silicon Valley with hiring an expensive law firm, that overcharged me.

With so many differing viewpoints and reviews and marketing campaigns complicating your selection process, how do you know which supplier won’t rip your portfolio companies off?

We’ve been in those shoes. Several times.

As entrepreneurs, we wanted a better way to make decisions about which tools to use and whom to work with.

So, we built one.

Proven helps companies make smarter buying decisions while saving them time and money

We know what it's like to struggle as  an entrepreneur in a new place.

That's why we built Proven: so VC firms could help their companies to grow.

Over time, Proven grew into a larger idea.

We realized we had the potential to help VC and PE firms cut through the clutter, manage perks, and match portfolio companies to the right vendors and tools.

So we added new features, refined existing ones, and slowly, signed up some of the largest venture capital firms in Silicon Valley.

Today, Proven is the gold standard in vendor management for all kinds of buying communities.

We’ve partnered with some of the world’s largest VC firms, most successful FDI agencies and top banks.

And we continue to innovate by ensuring that Proven works for all kinds of buying communities to meet their vendor management needs. Today, Proven is for:

VC and PE firms trying to connect their portfolio cos to the right vendors

Government agencies involved in FDI and export support

Banks looking for ways to keep and grow their existing clientele

Portfolio companies
Dollars Saved
Verified vendors

We’re on a mission to make life easier for entrepreneurs around the world

With Proven, we take the guesswork and uncertainty out of buying decisions.

Our platform helps businesses partner with the right service providers who will get the job done fast and without breaking the bank.