Save millions across hundreds of deals for your  portcos’ without losing track of a single offer

Gain full visibility on the vendors and tools your portfolio companies are using through your platform.

See the most in-demand tools and track which categories are searched most often.

Make accurate recommendations based on the portco's size, industry and more, powered by data from Proven.


Dollars Saved


Portfolio companies


Verified vendors


Dollars Saved

The world’s largest PE firms trust Proven for discount and vendor management

Managing your PE firm’s portco-vendor relations can feel like an advanced game of Tetris.

Spreadsheets or other ad hoc methods just can’t keep up with the complexity of everything you need to juggle.

You’re wasting hours maintaining a massive database of vendors and perks

You don’t have reliable insight into the tools and services your portcos are using

There is no way to ensure price parity for the same tool across your portfolio

You have no simple way of tracking deals redeemed or money saved

Your portcos aren’t talking to and learning from each other

Choose a purpose-built vendor management platform that helps your portcos make better buying decisions

Proven builds you a customized platform that

Automatically verifies and updates vendor information

Lets your portcos talk to and learn from each other

Offers insight into the most popular tech stacks

Helps you understand what your portcos need to grow

Encourage your portcos to communicate with each other

Enable each portco to share valuable experiences and insights with the entire portfolio.

Create a real community that not only exchanges tips on and experiences with tools and vendors, but also helps CFOs solve problems and strategize.

Help your portfolio companies boost revenue

Negotiate and share discounts on the tools and services your portfolio companies need.

Let your portcos offer their products and services to other VC and PE communities, via the wider Proven network.

Build a network of reliable vendors who offer value-for-money

Track portco-vendor relations and discounts redeemed on your platform, and use the data to negotiate better deals.

We take care of vendor verification, allowing you to expand your vendor network with ease.

Monitor, analyze and regulate your portcos’ tech stacks

Get complete visibility into your portcos’ tech stacks. Analyze usage data against company size, niche and more.

Identify and recommend the tools and vendors your most successful portfolio companies are using.

Proven benefits every stakeholder in your network

Private Equity Firms

Share great deals from verified vendors with your portfolio. Analyze your portcos’ tech stacks to understand where they stand and how to help them grow.

Portfolio Companies

Connect with your peers and choose the best vendor for a job. Save money through exclusive deals offered to your PE community.

Service Providers

Use your verified client history to work with some of the biggest Private Equity communities. Generate more leads and grow your business.

Get answers to some Frequently Asked Questions

Have another pressing question or in need of specific assistance?

How do I get started?
Just send us a spreadsheet of your current vendors and we’ll take care of the rest. We'll create a preferred vendor platform that only you and your portfolio companies can access, and give you full control of the system. We’ll even make sure the branding matches your website.
How do I give my portfolio companies access?
We make it simple for your portcos to access the platform. All they need is an email address.
Why do other PE firms use Proven?
We've helped some large investors save over $20M for their portfolio companies.
Can I share our portfolio deals with other PE communities?
Yes, if some of your portfolio companies have a great deal to offer, we will consider it for our general perk network, Proven Deals. Please get in touch with us to let us know about your deal.

You’re inundated with requests from vendors and questions from your portcos.

Give us 30 mins to show you how that can change.

Learn more about how Proven can help drive FDI in your region through a digital-first, secure vendor ecosystem.

Book a free demo