Entrepreneur Support

Help your local entrepreneurs grow with the right digital tools and suppliers.

Make it easier for local entrepreneurs to find the right service providers to work with, and get access to hundreds of deals, discounts and perks. Use our digital database of pre-vetted, experienced and legally compliant suppliers who want to offer their services to your startup community.

Get Started
20% OFF
On zoom
$50,000 off
on aws
$2000 off
on stripe
90% off
on docsend
90% off
on Hubspot
$1000 off
on twillo
$50,000 off
on gdrive
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on dropbox
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on xero
1 year
free freshbooks
50% off
on trello
20% OFF
On zoom
$50,000 off
on aws
$2000 off
on stripe
90% off
on docsend
90% off
on Hubspot
$1000 off
on twillo
$50,000 off
on gdrive
30% off
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30% off
on xero
1 year
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on trello







The world’s leading entrepreneur support agencies use Proven to help scale their business and get access trustworthy local service providers.

Don’t let your entrepreneurs overpay for software, and go through complicated processes and red tape

Entrepreneurs need suppliers on the ground who can get the job done fast. And your economic development agency can help.

Manually managing and recommending lists of deals is tedious and inefficient

Ensuring suppliers are the right fit and also legally compliant is challenging

Quantifying and tracking the results for entrepreneurs is difficult.

You can’t keep up to date with the latest deals and discounts for entrepreneurs.

Drive business success for entrepreneurs in your region.

Get a customizable platform

Skip the hassle with an easy-to-maintain database of vetted, legally compliant service providers in your region.

Get access to thousands of perks

Give your entrepreneurs the ability to select from hundreds of perks and discounts.

Access useful insights

Know which entrepreneurs are redeeming deals, and connecting to investors.

Create opportunities....

Create more opportunities for your local entrepreneurs by connecting them to buyers and investors from around the world.

Onboard great service providers

Make it easy for the best vendors to become part of your supplier network without having to manually verify each one.

Prioritize security

Provide secure digital access to critical information via enterprise-grade servers. Get rid of email and paper trails.

Create more jobs, help local businesses grow and power your economy through Proven.

Join a growing network of VC firms, economic developers and service providers

VC and PE Firms

Showcase your best entrepreneurs to investors and nurture successful two way relationships.

Local Service Providers

Connect your entrepreneurs to local service providers - helping to keep business local.

Save your entrepreurs a lot of money.

We help save over $1M USD for entrepreneurs in each of our platforms.

The world’s best government agencies trust Proven to help promote vendor ecosystems.


187 recommended service providers


43 recommended service providers


73 recommended service providers


43 recommended service providers

Proven’s recent successes

Over $20 Million saved

Proven was used by a client to save over $20M USD for their portfolio of companies by helping them save money with vendors like Google Cloud, Hubspot, Slack, Zoom and many others.

New Connections Created

Proven helped connect a small growing startup to one of the world's fastest growing unicorn companies.

Remote does not mean disconnected

We helped connect a small entrepreneur in the West of Ireland, with a fast growing tech company in Silicon Valley. Now they're working on multi-million dollar deals together.

Silicon Valley to the world

Entrepreneurs all over the world have been using Proven to save thousands of dollars, euros, yen and more. It's not just Silicon Valley based companies that get all the perks.

Here’s what bringing Proven into your entrepreneur support strategy will get you

Greater trust

Recommend the right service providers to your entrepreneurs who are experienced in the industry and who won't rip you off.

Fair opportunities

Give every supplier in your network a fair shot at attracting business and working with your entrepreneurs.

Quantifiable Results

Track the results of the service and perk providers that you invite, how much businesses in your network have scaled, and use the numbers to help your region grow.

A hands-off approach

By building a customized platform for your agency, we take away the hassle of manually adding and updating partners to your network.

Get answers to some Frequently Asked Questions

Have another pressing question or in need of specific assistance?

Why do startup friendly regions use Proven?
Proven is designed to help entrepreneur friendly regions, cities and municipalities to offer deals, discounts and perks to startups. If you work with entrepreneurs then you know how important it is to help them by save money. They also want access to high quality service providers that won't rip them off.

Using Proven helps agencies to gather intelligence about which companies are doing well in your region, and who's saving money. Proven can also be used to create a directory of entrepreneurs.
Do you help us with getting set up?
Yes! We will take care of the entire platform for you.
Can we connect with VC firms in Silicon Valley?
Yes, if you have a high growth company that's offering a service that other companies can buy, we can help to make introductions.
How do I give my service providers access?
It's as easy as sending them an email. We'll take care of the rest.

Give your entrepreneurs  access to a platform that makes business easier

Learn more about how Proven can your entrepreneurs can save time, energy and a lot of money.

Book a meeting today